That's Right's The End.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

another lonely toothbrush

Jayme and I sit in the kitchen, and I whine about my roommates' upcoming trip that leaves me alone for a week. Enter Becky, through the front door.

Hey, what are you guys doing?
Eating my emotions.
Becky: Oh no, why are you eating your emotions?
Anna: What else am I supposed to do with them?
Becky: Just shove 'em, deep down inside.
Anna: You guys are leaving me for a week. Seven. Eight days.
Seventy-eight days.
Becky: Yeah, we forgot to tell you. We're actually gonna be gone for seventy-eight days.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm LITERALLY dying here

I'm dying for this to happen again. Not necessarily the part where Kirsten squeezes me and messes up my shirt, but the part where we're all together again at Christmas. Maybe in...2012?? No, something must be done about this.

Though not technically Christmas, this photo is still during the Christmas season. It is my birthday, and you can tell by the traditional headdress I'm wearing. I really want this to happen. Once again, not necessarily the headdress, but the fact that everyone's together on my birthday.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

because I haven't in a while

of the day

  • visiting Loring Cornish's houses - His art inspires me more than any other visual art I've seen. Or at least the combination of his art and speaking with him in person.
  • Olympic weight-lifting with Jayme by Druid Hill Lake
  • perfect weather - warm and crisp, with fallen leaves, ephemeral at this time of year
  • watching an incredible animal documentary narrated by Alec Baldwin
  • generally appreciating the life I live and the things I choose
  • striking out one more time when looking for a spiritual community/church in Baltimore
  • Sometimes, life is just so beautiful that it hurts.

  • counting how many times the pastor said 'literally'...22!!
  • Apparently we are the rat-keepers of the neighborhood. If it weren't for our back yard, they wouldn't have such a cozy network of tunnels in which to live and breed. Also apparently, the rats kicked a huge pile of dirt under our fence and into the alley. So...the roomies banded together to try to fill in their holes. I guess this is also kind of a low...we're that house.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Skylark's not bad either

Some things last a long time. One is my love of Shelley. He's got some good stuff, but I always come back to Ode to the West Wind. It's just everything.

Also, Elizabeth Bishop is awesome, and I am not ashamed to say that I first encountered her poetry through a film starring Toni Collette and Cameron Diaz.

But Shelley, man.

Monday, November 01, 2010

but I really should invest in a kit

I love carving pumpkins. Perhaps I'll start adding pumpkin-carving to other holidays. Or you could hire me, and tell me whose face you want, and I'll put it on a pumpkin. I'm dying to do another one. Please take a look at my portfolio and contact me for all your jack-o-lantern needs.

fact: this was 2008

200...wait for it...9

'twas the year 2010, to nevermore return again