That's Right's The End.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm LITERALLY dying here

I'm dying for this to happen again. Not necessarily the part where Kirsten squeezes me and messes up my shirt, but the part where we're all together again at Christmas. Maybe in...2012?? No, something must be done about this.

Though not technically Christmas, this photo is still during the Christmas season. It is my birthday, and you can tell by the traditional headdress I'm wearing. I really want this to happen. Once again, not necessarily the headdress, but the fact that everyone's together on my birthday.



At 10:30 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I love seeing these old photos of you guys! I may have to do the same (if I can be as brave as you!). Now that I have 3 of my own, I can imagine how you're feeling through Emerson's perspective. She flips out if I leave her alone in a room for longer than 10 minutes!

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Änna said...

I go crazy if I'm alone for 3 hours, which at my age is probably equivalent to Emerson's 10 minutes!


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