another lonely toothbrush
Jayme and I sit in the kitchen, and I whine about my roommates' upcoming trip that leaves me alone for a week. Enter Becky, through the front door.
Becky: Hey, what are you guys doing?
Anna: Eating my emotions.
Becky: Oh no, why are you eating your emotions?
Anna: What else am I supposed to do with them?
Becky: Just shove 'em, deep down inside.
Anna: You guys are leaving me for a week. Seven. Eight days.
Jayme: Seventy-eight days.
Becky: Yeah, we forgot to tell you. We're actually gonna be gone for seventy-eight days.
Just remember, you're welcome to hang out at the Grothe's anytime. The pleasure of your company is always enjoyed.
Aw, thanks. I'm sure I'll take you up on the offer.
If your roommates get travel toothbrushes, then at least your toothbrush won't be lonely.
technically, our toothbrushes live in separate drawers anyway. the toothbrush is just a metaphor now.
I just keep re-reading this, and I love it.
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