because I need one right now
things I'm looking forward to:
April 12: getting back on facebook (Easter, I'm so sorry you are being outshined by my addiction.)
April 16: flying to California for Johann's monkey party!!
April 25: Maryland Day!
May 14: Shins with Alexis
some other time in May: haircut?? and the beginning of First Thursdays
anything else?
I forgot about Maryland Day! Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to make it this year :(
I'm ready to go rock climbing whenever you are
Did you forget about getting to hang out with your brother? Sorry Jan, you get outshined by a party for someone who probably won't even remember it.....oh, and rita's once a week. I need you to be my Rita's ambassador and eat one for me at least semi-regularly.
okay, Bert, I'm down. send me any REI sales you catch wind of - I want my own shoes!
and Jan, I had my free ice on the first day of spring already! and I have 10 stamps just saved up for the next nice day!
May 7! Wild Light and Matt Duke. Not that we ever really pay attention to the bands.
oh man, and I hope the new Facebook doesn't ruin your Easter..
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