That's Right's The End.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

weekend HLH

highs: Doing lots of things makes the weekend feel longer. So this weekend was nice and long, cause I saw lots of people!

Going to a coffeehouse doesn't sound exciting, but I got to hang out with Christie and it was fun. I also got a free CD out of it, and you know how I love free stuff. Also, being the "No I'm not new; I've been going here for four and a half years" girl is kind of entertaining, in a weird way.

lows: was really really cold when we picked up our Christmas tree, so there's that. Also, leaving my phone in Baltimore AGAIN was annoying.

huhs: A cashier at the mall told me my eyes looked like Elisabeth Hasselbeck's.

I saw a Santa by the side of the road. It was hard to tell if he was advertising something, because he didn't have a sign. He just kept pointing at passing cars with a "gotcha"-like motion.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger heALin said...

santa's gonna gitcha

At 3:47 PM, Blogger KGoth said...

Who is Elisabeth Hasselback?
Do I need to have T.V. or pay attention to the magazines in the grocery store check-out aisles to know who she is?

At 6:20 PM, Blogger Änna said...

no, you just need to know that she was on Survivor, and now she's the blonde conservative on The View, and she was on Style.

At 12:56 AM, Blogger B said...

I never knew she was on Survivor! I just thought she was Matt Hasselback's wife and somehow got famous for being pretty. Is she not his wife?

At 11:46 AM, Blogger heALin said...

She is his wife, but she got famous for being pretty on Survivor first.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Änna said...

aaaaactually, she is married to Tim Hasselbeck, not Matt. not that I would know the difference if I ever saw them.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger S&R said...

I love how this post is just the Grothes going back and forth like at the dinner table!

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Änna said...

you should totally come have dinner when we're all here!

At 11:57 AM, Blogger DK said...

I was thinking the same thing, Sarah. And you are certainly invited over any time while all are here (and bring Rob too!;)


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