That's Right's The End.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

curb alert?

Ever since I was 17, I have moved every year of my life. This has amounted to 6 moves, not including the transitional summer moves into my parents' house. This has never bothered me before, but I am starting to feel like a nomad with no real home. At least it keeps me from accumulating too much stuff.

This year, I not only moved into and out of my apartment, but into and out of a classroom. I hope I can build up a better track record soon. Right now I am waiting for a confirmation email from craigslist, so I can start craigslisting away my old furniture. Let me know if you want a glass end table, 2 tall cabinets, a kitchen table, a nice big desk, a little junky desk, a round end table, or a Medusa lamp.


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

Annika needs a desk. Shipping is probably out of the question unless you're considering your next move here... We could put you up for a nice stay. Sounds excellent to me!

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Änna said...

I would love to visit you guys! I think my home is still in MD for the time being though!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger KGoth said...

Yeah, I'd be pretty bummed if you moved to MN and not CA. Why are you getting rid of all your furniture? Planning on staying at 10062 for a while? I've moved nearly every year for the past 10 years. What's up with us Grothes? I also moved out of a classroom this year - during the same month of moving apartments. And I was pregnant. Good luck with the next move. Are you going to get all new furniture off of Craig's list when you move to a new apt?
P.S. Balderdash this word: cvoip


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