That's Right's The End.

Friday, July 08, 2005

don't judge me

So lately, I've been amusing myself at work by going on theknot. It's not my fault; weddings kinda consume my life. I can save a collection of all the wedding gowns I like and read about different wedding traditions and decor. I even look up the wedding web pages of couples who are going to get married here. Then, when I meet them, I already know what they look like, how they met, and how they got engaged! Creepy, huh? At least I've never designed my own engagement ring. That's just a step too far.


At 2:08 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

does the chapel have a center aisle? i can't remember.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Änna said...

of course, otherwise it wouldn't make a very good wedding Chapel

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

what if there are two central aisles?
in your expert opinion, on which do you process and recess?

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Änna said...

process on the left/bride's side, recess on the right... it would be more natural for the bride not to have to pass the groom before she takes her place


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