That's Right's The End.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

did you ever know that you're my hero?

This idea is stolen from Jennifer, to be sure, but here are my heroes of the weekend...without them, none of the events of the past few days would have been possible:

  • Erin...she'll never know she's reached hero status because I rarely ever speak to her, but she took my shift this weekend! I didn't have to work the crazy Alumni Dream Wedding (okay, that would've been fun, but still), and I wouldn't have gotten to have the specTACular weekend that I did without her!
  • Stacy and Julia...they met me for Church for Darfur in DC today and offered to drive me back so I didn't have to pay metro fare again. Trivia nerd that I am, I got a little distracted by a quiz book in the backseat (I learned that the word flump means to put something down with a loud noise). I didn't even notice that they drove me all the way to Columbia, when my car was actually in College Park. So they took me all the way back again! Lifesavers.
  • Dana...I put Dana on the list for 2 reasons. 1: She is quickly becoming my new friend and person to hang out with, even though she was first friends with Brita, who actually gets a little competitive about our mutual friends. 2: I know she reads this blog religiously, so she'll appreciate the shoutout.

Also, I also owe apologies to those that didn't come to the crab feast. I am a bad inviter, and there are a few people I really wish could have been there, but they weren't, due to the fact that I never invited them. I'm weird sometimes.


At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually shout you out in my xanga as well.

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Änna said...

oh, don't think I didn't notice!


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