did I cover them all?
Why do we tell stories about other people? The only reason I'm asking, of course, is because earlier today, I told a story about someone, and then I wondered why on earth I was telling it. What was my motivation? Then I realized I had just been telling stories about people other than myself and analyzing them for maybe 2 hours.
Here are all the motivations with which I can come up:
- People are interesting. They do interesting things, and we like to talk about the things they do. It is entertaining.
- Other people's actions make us feel a certain way. We want to convey that feeling to a third party, and the best way to convey it is with the evidence: the actions that made you feel that way.
- We have feelings about a person (whether positive or negative), and we want to convince other people to feel that way too. (Again, why exactly?)
- Human interaction is best understood by processing it with other humans. We talk about stuff to understand it better. We talk about other people to understand ourselves better.
- Feeling like we can control other people's perceptions makes us feel in control.
- If you're telling a positive story about someone, it just makes you feel even better to spread the positivity.
- We feel closer to someone when we're sharing information about someone else. Maybe?
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