That's Right's The End.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

I thought hot chocolate was safe

I have a continuous conversation going on in my head - constantly composing mental texts. Every once in a while I try to clear my head of these conversations - just to step out of myself for a little while. I don't do yoga, but I can appreciate this aspect of it. I'd probably really like it if I was dedicated enough to commit to it. From the people I know who do practice yoga and meditation, I have heard this phrase: Observe the thought; release the thought. I try to do this at the end of the day, especially when sleep is near. Sometimes it feels like the thoughts come so fast that I am actively pushing them away. In fact, I start to see myself standing in the middle of my mind, hitting fast-moving thoughts away from myself with a baseball bat. (Even when I am resting, my mind is creating strange images and narrations.) Tonight, I couldn't relax my mind. It was like a video game, how the more levels you surpass, the faster the incoming objects move.

I seriously need to be more conscious of what foods contain caffeine and cut them out of my evening diet entirely.


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