That's Right's The End.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

good disguise, Chris

I've been clearly remembering the narrative of my dreams lately. It's very entertaining and at times disturbing. Here's a recent one:

I was once again watching Johann for my sister, but this time, she also had a new baby. Apparently, Chris is an alien in a human body, because this new baby was half alien. His head was concave and he had very large eyes. He was still pretty cute, but he was almost as big as Johann, though he was a newborn.

As I held the alien baby, I worried about his rapid growth. What if it keeps progressing at this rate and he ends up being like Robin Williams in Jack - a 10-year-old with the body of a 40-year-old? What a terrible life!

Eventually it was time for me to put the little guys to bed, so I tucked them into some dresser drawers and said goodnight. I woke up the next morning, and went over to the dresser, which was closed. Hmm, I thought, Maybe I shouldn't have shut the drawers. Babies shouldn't be trapped without air like that. I hope they're still okay. Luckily they were fine. When I opened the drawers, 5-month-old Johann hopped out of the dresser and walked away on two feet.

When I met back up with Kirsten, I couldn't wait to tell her about this milestone.
me: When I woke the boys up this morning, Johann climbed out by himself and walked away!
Kirsten: ...Where did you have him sleeping that he could just climb out?
(Uh oh. I realized my faux pas and tried to cover.)
me: Oh, I had them in my dresser. In the top drawers...which were open the whole time.

So...not only am I unfit to take care of my nephew, but I am also a liar. What is this trend? I'm sure I'll have more fictional tales of my inept aunting skills to come.


At 1:26 PM, Blogger KGoth said...

I love your dreams.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

See what I meant about entertaining!! Love, Kelly B


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