That's Right's The End.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

you have to know certain things

When walking alone down the streets of downtown Baltimore late at night, some would advise, it is best to avoid eye contact with strangers. I, however, feel more comfortable acknowledging people's existence. So that is what I did last night.

I was meeting my brother, who was in town on business, at the Sheraton for a trade. His leftover crabs from dinner for some bottles of Resurrection Ale, both things that any transplant would crave when back in the area. The hand-off was made, and I was on my way to the car. (Don't worry, Mom, it was a short walk.)

On my way, I passed a dude in a yellow jacket and probably gave him a pathetic half-smile, which for some reason, is what I do when I pass people.

yellow jacket dude: How are you?
me: Good, how are you?
yellow jacket dude: I'm good.
I continue walking.

YJD: Hey. Let me ask you a question.
I keep going.
YJD: Wait!
I turn around. YJD speaks, in what I now assume to be some type of African accent.
YJD: It's okay, I won't follow you. You stay there. I'll stay here. I just want to do I get a date with the Caucasian ladies?
me: Haha, I don't know!
I turn and keep going.
YJD: No, I really want to know. I can't do it here. I have to go to Europe. I try, but I do not know how. What advice can you give me?
me: Well, I really don't know. I guess yourself.
YJD: No, here they want you know certain things. I don't know where to meet them, what to say, what to do. They want you to know so many things.
me: Hm...well, that sounds like it would take a lot of time to learn, more than I could tell you in a few sentences. Just...keep trying I guess.
YJD: Ha, okay, thank you.
me: Have a good night!

Always make eye contact with strangers.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger scott said...

i know this wasn't supposed to be a scary story, but i'm glad you're ok.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger Änna said...

ha! thanks for caring.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger DK said...

I agree with Scott.


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