That's Right's The End.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

the 6th being that I often know who's calling before I pick up the phone

So we're walking through Arundel Mills, jeans shopping. It's a horrible job but it must be done. I've been wearing the exact same pair for almost 2 years now, and Jayme's are ripping all over the place.

Anyway, everytime we pass a restaurant I say how I want to eat free food from that restaurant.

Mmmm, I want free Chevy's.

Oh, Auntie Anne's!

Ben and Jerry's!

I want a Cinnabon. Don't they have free samples? I want a free sample.

I just had this feeling like I should be getting free food. I kept looking around every corner hoping that someone would magically offer me delicious treats at no cost.

I went to Bath & Body Works to cash in on an undeserved gift card and the lady told us that it was Free Ice Cream Day at Ben and Jerry's. So we walked over there and got free cones. Everyone was getting free ice cream cones! You just walk right up, and they give it to you for no apparent reason, save publicity.

Rare is the occasion when I would get as excited about anything as free food. I think that is my 7th sense - being attracted to places where free food is available. Oh serendipitous day.


At 2:12 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

don't flatter yourself. you took advantage of me when i was in a disabled state of mind. i feel so violated.


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