That's Right's The End.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

overheard in Blockbuster

little 6-year-old girl holds a Bratz DVD in her hand
mom: Oh, no. Put that down.
girl: But I'm looking at it.
mom: Yeah, well, I think they're skanky and nasty.
girl: You think they're skanky and nasty? I like them.
mom: Their heads are too big.

5 minutes later, little girl picks up Little Man
girl: This looks funny.
mom: Ooh, that's a bad movie.
girl: He's like a big boy, but he pretends to be a baby.
mom: No. It's called Photoshop.
girl: It's funny.
mom: It's called Photoshop; he doesn't really look like that. That's a dumb movie.

5 minutes later
girl: Ooh, Kronk's New Groove!
mom: There's a movie? No way, I am not watching that. I can barely stand a half hour of it on Saturday mornings. Put that down. Come on, we have to find something I want to see.

Dang, at first I thought this was funny, but it got old quick. Way to spoil all the fun, Mom.


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