That's Right's The End.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

abreast is a funny word to use

If I had a mild superpower, it would be the power to do "Time Out!" Zack Morris style.

However, I have realized lately, that I do have very mild superpowers. Last year, I had the power to find people's lost ID cards. I found and returned 4 ID cards. I even got offered $180 as a reward once. I felt a little awkward taking it. So I took $20 instead.

This year, I have not found any ID cards. I kinda miss it. However, this year, I have probably eaten upwards of 15 free meals. And sometimes I just don't even take the opportunity. My superpower this year is receiving free food. This mostly comes from working at the Chapel and for the Office of Campus Programs and staying abreast of local promotions. So I guess you could say that all my mild superpowers are campus related. I wonder if I'll have any after I graduate.

What about you...mild superpowers???


At 1:20 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

My mild superpower is that I am a freshmen magnet. Umm that sounds wrong. But seriously, I can be sitting in the most random place like by Jimanez or by the SCDH and I'll find a freshman that I know. Mine also helps in getting me free food because I get the opportunity to mooch meal points. My only weakness is that using my power makes me feel old.

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Änna said...



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