That's Right's The End.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

still pumped and thankful though!

Do you ever just have a day that's so good, you almost get sad cause you wish it could be even better?

That doesn't make any sense, but it's the best way I can describe it. Maybe it goes back to that whole idea of John Eldredge's...we get glimpses of the way things are supposed to be, and it just kinda makes us long for a time when things can always be like that.

That still doesn't explain why when I'm around people I love, doing things I love, enjoying myself and being thankful for life...why those are the times I get kinda lonely.

I'm just weird, man. One big contradiction.


At 1:07 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

i can empathize...

why is eldredge's name in small font?

At 2:10 AM, Blogger Änna said...

it's to be said under the breath so as to not draw too much attention to the slight hoopla surrounding one of the man's other books

At 2:28 AM, Blogger Gulia3 said...

I have felt the same way. I think you tend to think your own thoughts are weird... but they so are not.. more like unique... you give things thought.. and I like that.


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