That's Right's The End.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

you can dish it, we can take it!

On bitterly cold days, I would have to drag myself out of bed...practically pry my fingers from the edges of the comforter that surrounded me with snuggly goodness. Nothing makes a good bed more inviting than the thought of having to trek from North Campus all the way to, say...Susquehanna! WORST! It was days like that I seriously looked into teleportation. (I mean, it has to be possible, right?) And then hearing my friends on South Campus brag about how they rolled out of bed 5 minutes before class...that was just too much.

Basically, I detested walking that far in some kinds of weather, while I was already tired, and that resulted in me missing lots and lots of morning classes (Mom and Dad, read: taking the time to rest my mind and body so as to be able to put full effort into my studies). Well, this is the first semester of my college career that I have missed zero classes. I have not slept through a single one! I have not chosen bed over class! Amazing! Could this be due to the fact that I get to sleep in on Mondays and Fridays? Possibly, but possibly also because I live so close to everything.
The farthest I ever have to walk is from Commons to Cole. And it is incredibly nice to live 1 minute away from work.
However... I do kinda miss the North Campus life, and the first half of my college career.

Freshman year, I would just look at all the brick buildings on our big, beautiful campus as I walked to class, and sing the theme from A Different World. And I would just think to myself, Man...I am actually in college! It was almost surreal, but there I was, carrying all my books, looking at frisbee-playing kids on the Mall, people eating lunch in Nyumburu Amphitheater, and groups chalking on Hornbake Plaza, really is college! Nerdy, I know, but I miss that.

I sometimes played games in my head to entertain myself as I made the daily tours around College Park. Games like: "Count the iPods" or "Make a Musical." The latter was when, on nice days, I created a musical in my head, and everyone I passed got a part. People were singing, snapping their hands in unison all Sharks and Jets style, twirling in the sunshine. James Gist was pirouetting across Regents Drive. I miss that. I see Gist every day, but he never pirouettes anymore.

Now I live in a very small radius of Commons 2. I don't need to find clever places on campus to take my breaks, cause I can just come back to the apartment. I don't need to eat lunch with people, or even venture to the Dining Hall for every meal, cause I just come back to the apartment. I don't run into as many people. I eat healthier now, but my body feels worse. I can only guess that that is attributed to the huge decrease in walking. I never went to the CRC last year, but I did do a lot of moving all over campus.

Chances are, when the temperature drops agai
n, I'll be glad I'm living here. But for now...I do miss the hike a little.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger Amy said...

i know what your saying, because of a job change, i went from commuting 3 hours a day to a five minute walk to work, and as much as i hated that train, i enjoyed the amount of time i got spend listening to music, reading all the books i'd been meaning to read and winding down after work.

saying that, i'll never commute again ...EVER


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