That's Right's The End.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

"and remember, your opinion counts"

There are some random places in Columbia Mall that I bet you never knew about. Today I found myself sitting in some sketchy little back office with a mint in my mouth answering the question, "how would you rate the clean feeling the mint gives your tongue as you suck on it?" while Christie sat in a wheelchair taking the same survey in another room.

"" I said.
"Do you remember when you put the mint in your mouth, if you placed the blue side with ridges on the roof of your mouth or your tongue?"
"On my tongue."

And then they paid me eight dollars.

Oh yeah, and then I went to this concert thing and this dessert place with some people I know.

What a quality day.


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

canoli ben folds and eclipse mints sounds like a good friday to me.



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