That's Right's The End.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

for a duck may be somebody's mother

The thing about spending all my waking moments writing a Junior English paper is that I need a break for some type of creative outlet. I guess that's what this thing is.
The other thing about spending all day writing a Junior English paper is that I don't do enough random and interesting things to write creative posts about.
Sooo...I will leave you announcement.

Re: Chapel Bells and Carillon

As all my Terps know, the Chapel chimes on the hour, every hour. And a few minutes before the hour, it plays the
Alma Mater.

little-known fact: One year, after Maryland Day or something when the carillon was programmed to play all kinds of random songs, the bells got stuck. Somehow, Friday afternoons at 4 pm, it plays a random song instead of chiming. Listen next time. It's something different every week. Sometimes it's God Bless America; sometimes it's that song that I only know as Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends; sometimes it's some kinda beautiful haunting melody that I don't know at all. I guess they're patriotic songs, being that the Chapel is dedicated to veterans?

However, it has been brought to my attention, and I have also noticed, that sometimes on weekends, random songs can now be heard across campus. Why, you ask? I...have no freakin clue. As much as I like to pretend that I am the expert on all things Chapel, the bell questions elude me. We've had people call in to ask when the bells stop chiming at night. Um...let's go with 10pm. I don't know! It's a mystery. Maybe the Chapel really is haunted. I dunno. I've heard stories from co-workers, but nothing spooky has ever happened to me, minus the computer thing.

So...should I call the bell people to see if we can have this weekend song thing remedied? I kinda like the surprise factor. Oh well, I'll see what I can do.

Yeah, so now you know.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Elli said...

no don't call to get it fixed! i like the random songs! they're pretty!

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Bertronium said...

I've never noticed... but I would love to hear the random songs sometime. Wouldn't bell ringing be a great profession?


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