That's Right's The End.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Mr. Poopers

What You Need To Know About Mr. Poopers:

  1. name: Mr. Poopers
  2. size: the number pad on a keyboard
  3. hobbies: climbing high into my plastic tree and sleeping there, scuttling at the side of my tank to escape, avoiding people by hiding in my log
  4. favorite food: ReptoMin Baby pellets
  5. least favorite food: ladybugs
  6. best friend: none, I am so lonely
  7. secret confession: I can't actually swim...I'm an aquatic turtle, and I don't swim

Okay, but seriously...I'm a terrible turtle owner. He has no substrate, so he just slips on the bottom of his tank. The water is really shallow, and I'm afraid that if I make it deeper, he won't be able to get any oxygen, because I don't think he can swim. He just sinks. And since the water is so low, I can't put in a filter, and no filter means no substrate, since I have to change his water so often. Poor little guy. Or girl, I really don't know.

It's not that I don't care, I just don't know how to deal with special needs turtles. In addition to not swimming, I think he also has Social Anxiety Disorder. I'm not one of those pet owners who thinks that just because an animal is small it is expendable. I was not the little girl who bought a pretty little hermit crab off the boardwalk in Ocean City and let it die the next week. (PS, those things can live for at least 25 years ...just ask my mom's friend.) I'm at a loss.

I should've gone with my dream pet since my youth.

I bet lemmings are real low-maintenance.


At 12:19 AM, Blogger Jessamyn said...

lemmings bring you down with all their talks of suicide and such. better stick with the turtle, but he really does need some moss and a pool and a nice little heat lamp on the other side. also his species enjoys cut up strawberrys and mangos, not to mention the occasional lettuce/spinach leaf. im a turtle expert! i worked at the reptile house for 3 years in DC. ask away.

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

reading #6 made me sad

how do you know s/he has social anxiety disorder?

At 12:49 AM, Blogger Änna said...

honestly though, I don't know what his species is...that's not an actual picture of him...I have no digital camera, and I couldn't find a good matching picture...he's not a red ear...he's a little tiny guy, but any help is appreciated

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Änna said...

and the social anxiety disorder theory comes from the fact that he hides so much


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