That's Right's The End.

Friday, March 11, 2011

the social network

Someday, I think advertisements you see on billboards will be tailored to you as a consumer. You will have some special chip that will cause your eyes to see this billboard as a different advertisement than someone next to you sees. All advertising will be hyper-targeted to each individual. Also, if you do not pay your taxes, advertisements will pop up in your field of vision, blocking everything else until you finally make your payment.

What I'm saying is, this is not far off. Facebook has been showing us targeted ads that often weird us out for years. I have had...
  • these
  • the one that said 'How to Grow Hair Fast!' right after I massacred my bangs
  • the one that said 'When was your last date? Is it because your car is an embarrassment?' during the Crowpocalypse
  • and now, this:

Facebook is trying to tell me what school to send my children to by showing me pictures of MYSELF teaching. Technology is weird. And it's not a coincidence.


At 12:30 PM, Blogger Seye said...

just like in minority report?

I've also see patent applications for what you've just described, through RFID chips.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Änna said...

Deny those applications. DENY THEM!

Also, you're the second person to call me out on the Minority Report thing, but I actually haven't seen that movie and had no idea what it was about. All similarities were purely coincidental.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Seye said...

Oh yeah, who was the first?

Also, I don't think that the companies would partner with the federal gov. or state to worry about people paying taxes.

My dad isn't much of a conspiracy theorist but I think he believes that this type of technology is setting up the end of the world.

I also have the DVD If you want to borrow it. I thought it was pretty good.

Word verification: armin

Like Armin van Buuren

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Änna said...

1. my old boss/friend

2. yeah, maybe it wouldn't cause people to pay taxes. maybe there would be no such thing as taxes, and the government would just be sponsored by large corporations, so advertising would still pay for things taxes pay for now. it could happen.

3. I have never heard of Armin van Buuren. based solely on context clues, I would guess Dutch football player.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Seye said...

Yea I guess anything is possible.

Armin van Buuren is a DJ (one of my favs)

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I sort of want to comment, but feel like I'd be interrupting your conversation. Oh well, guess I did anyway! And I am NOT for any type of chip of this sort! Freaky.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger Änna said...

Oh, not an interruption, this is an open forum. Agreed. I will not get the chip.


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