That's Right's The End.

Friday, October 01, 2010

it's a fact

Every time one of my teacher friends starts to tell a story, or even discusses guided reading groups, I really start to miss teaching. Of course, there are all the usual things to miss, but there is also a ton of tiny things, too. For this reason, I will start a segment called Things I Miss About Teaching.

TIMAT #1: When young children eat pancakes or waffles for breakfast, they smell like syrup for the rest of the day.


At 9:49 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ohhhh anna. did i inspire you to start this segment? i'll think of you as i do guided reading tomorrow. xo

At 12:55 PM, Blogger Änna said...

yes you did. and thanks. and I should add some more, so it doesn't look like I became a teacher just for the scent of syrup.

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i don't know why that's a bad thing. i became a teacher just for the scent of syrup.


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