That's Right's The End.

Monday, September 20, 2010

pretty sure this one is finance-related

Another tooth dream last night. This time, it started with my incisors, which I can't remember happening before. First I felt a little bit of grit in between some of my front teeth, then I remember the one on the right side feeling loose.

"Oh no!"

But it was too late. Out they came. Followed by the rest of them. All 28 teeth came out in crumbles. I spit them in my hand and tried to rinse them off, as shards of them got washed down the drain and the bigger chunks clogged it up.

"I don't even have dental insurance!" I said. That's a new one. I've never worried about dental insurance in a dream, though it would be a very real concern if this ever actually happened.

Ugh, it was terrible. Definitely feeling out of control again. Interestingly enough, though, my teeth grew back in again. Huh. That's the second time that's happened in a dream. I suppose I have hope yet.


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