That's Right's The End.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

don't give up now!

The free summer events are in full swing, and I am loving it! Artscape is this weekend. I got some SWAG, saw the world upside-down, unexpectedly went to a fantastic concert, and looked at MICA students' impressive artwork, among other things. I love summer!

After the festivities, some friends and I went to a complete hipster hangout, where I had never been before. While there, we naturally saw some of the crew from Ace of Cakes - Katherine, Anna, and Ben. Where else would they be after Artscape, right? Okay, so the only other famous person I have ever met (besides local/college athletes and that doesn't count) is Iron Chef Chen Kinichi. I do not meet famous people a lot, and when they happen to be famous people that I also would very much like to be friends with, I am pretty starstruck. You know, jumping up and down, talking obsessively about them, planning how to casually start a conversation, et cetera. It's like I take on a new personality - Anna the celebrity stalker.

So the Celebrity Stalker finally worked up the courage to go talk to Katherine and Anna. I believe I said something like, "Can I just tell you I think you guys are hilarious? Keep making cakes and awesome television."

Keep making cakes? Really? Of all the nerdy things to come out of my mouth. Then my friends and I got to talking about other nerdy things we've said to celebrities. One friend met Alex Trebek and said, "I'm a really big fan of your work." Another met Ben Harper and said, "You're not even human, you're so good!" Maybe we just get tongue-tied when trying to make a first impression. Or maybe we say silly things all the time, and we only care when we say them to someone famous. Oh well. It was awesome. I love Baltimore.

At least it went over better than the time I reminded Will Bowers that he burnt down my apartment in college.


At 11:32 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe you were just trying to make yourself an unavoidable reality;)

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Bertronium said...

Mark didn't make this post I guess.

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Änna said...

He wasn't part of that conversation. Do you think I should just slip him in there randomly?


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