That's Right's The End.

Monday, June 15, 2009

making ourselves an unavoidable reality

Outdoor Sunday was held in Annapolis today. I walked around with my parents, watched fish, felt the breeze, and ate a crabcake. While walking along a crowded part of the dock, I saw a church van in the parking lot. The tagline on the side of the van said, "Making Jesus Christ an unavoidable reality."

I thought about that line for a while. I've heard lots of spins on Christianity and evangelism/proselytism, but this was kind of a new one. If you believe that something already is a reality, how would you make it so? Wouldn't that be like saying, "Making gravity an unavoidable reality?" You people are going to be so much more pulled to the ground. We are making it so. Don't even think you will continue to be suspended mid-air.

Also, I hate the idea of making Jesus into anything. Jesus is Jesus. He does not need to be repackaged and marketed to the masses. He does not need you to make Him more 'real.'

Lastly, that phrase makes it sound like the people of Annapolis are running around, trying to avoid Jesus. "Quick, here He comes. Let's hide in this alley!" I don't think this is the case. I think people often try to avoid Christians, the kind who hand out tracts printed on fake billion dollar bills, for whatever reason. Oh yeah, someone was handing out tracts printed on fake billion dollar bills today. I assume they came in the van.


At 8:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I like how you wrote the 'making gravity an unavoidable reality' riff in a Mitch Hedberg voice. I heard your impression of him in my head. It tickled.


At 11:17 PM, Blogger Änna said...

That is exACTly how I said it. : )


At 7:10 PM, Blogger B said...

you guys are ridiculous :)


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