That's Right's The End.

Monday, August 22, 2005

mad gab

I was gonna write this really inspirational post about climbing a big mountain...but I decided against it, cause I just didn't feel like it. Instead, I will share with you another aspect of my trip: Mad Gab. It's a game where you read words off a card and your teammates have to guess what it sounds like you're saying. Turns out, it's fun to make them up. Say these out loud and see if someone in the room can guess what they are.

ears thus tory hovel hovel elate tea

her date truth a gray bovine

thug races gray neuron theaters eyed

thud half full window into church a

thaw writ hummus gone agate chew

But I just can't resist showing a picture, just to give you an idea of what we did. Those little dots making a line up the rock? Those are people, pretty much walking up a 60 degree incline, just holding onto cables so they don't plummet to their deaths. So much fun! Most terrifying experience of my life. Next time I'm scaling the face!


At 10:42 PM, Blogger Bertronium said...

I feel so jealous. Is it wrong that I find that rock attractive?

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd have to say that Mad Gab was intensely fun and I'm glad that we all got to hang out even if it was only for a little bit. Love you anna!


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