That's Right's The End.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

this entry is clearly subpar

Clearly, I am a fraud. (Clearly is also my favorite word lately, apparently.)
I did not go to Great Falls the other day. If I had, I would have crossed it off my list. I won't tell you what I did instead, because that would only put me up a few notches on the dumb blonde scale, and that is something I'm trying to stay away from. Clearly, I'm doing an excellent job avoiding that image by detailing most of my car fiascos. fiascoes?

Speaking of which, my boss made me tell the car-crushing-the-jack story to two of my male semicoworkers the other day. They got a huuuuge kick out of it. I really didn't know it was that funny. She also made me tell the poop story, and I have to say, people making me tell stories/do impressions might be in my top 10.

And speaking of male semicoworkers...
We have housekeepers come in every morning. Real nice guys. And one of them always comes in and talks to me. Which is great. I like talking to people, especially when my job can get very lonely. But there is a point where you need to get your work done, and there is no appropriate response to a guy telling you for the 7th time about how his wife left him even though he was a great husband and they'd been together for 10 years. "Wow, that's terrible," I say, as I continue to address and mail letters. Where does that rate on the awkward scale? It got worse when he finally found out I was 19. "That's like what?" he says, "9 years? No that's 11 years difference between us! [My friend] told me I should go after you, but 11 years is a big difference. I thought you were older! Maybe if you were 23 or something..."
At what point did he think I was old enough/interested at all?

I kinda feel weird about posting this. People are gonna find out when I'm posting about them. I have this thing linked on facebook...that's a lot of people having access. It's gonna end up like that chick in DC who exposed all those senators she was having affairs with. Minus the part about having affairs with people and ruining careers and half of DC reading this blog.


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