That's Right's The End.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

so deep right now

conversation I overheard in the lobby while waiting for the elevator:

guy: I heard this really great quote once that I absolutely love. "Ignorance of the trivial is bliss. Ignorance the agony."
girl: (silence)
guy, in a whisper: ...yeaaah

I stared at the elevator and tried not to laugh. Also, the guy talked like Hansel from Zoolander.

I wasn't like every other kid, you know, who dreams about being an astronaut. I was always more interested in what bark was made out of on a tree. Richard Gere's a real hero of mine. Sting. Sting would be another person who's a hero. The music he's created over the years...I don't really listen to it, but the fact that he's making it, I respect that. I care desperately about what I do. Do I know what product I'm selling? No. Do I know what I'm doing today? No. But I'm here, and I'm gonna give it my best shot.

People are funny. Or maybe I'm just easily amused.


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